The Carpet Edging Company

Bespoke Carpet Binding


Tape edging binding whipping carpets, rugs and runners

for the home, office, motorhome, and vehicles.

Based in the beautiful village of Barlow, Derbyshire.

Do you have carpet left over and don't know what to do with it?

 How about turning it into a neatly edged rug which can be made to your own specific sizes?.

If your idea is made of carpet? ...then I can put an edge on it.

Classic /Modified Cars I don't hold stock but I can get most types to match carpet and binding please ask.

     Check out my Facebook page.


If you are looking for Professional carpet and hard floor cleaning (including your sofas and bed's) then Absolutely floorless is the company you need to see. Local friendly Professional and insured. Please click on the button to visit Absolutely-floorless.


Carpet Binding basic tape £3.75 a running mtr.

Carpet Binding Tape wide  £7.75 a running mtr.  

Carpet Binding ext wide  Tape  £15.00 a running mtr.

Rope Edging £17.00 a running mtr.

Your own fabric made into edging starting from £25 a mtr price depends on your chosen fabric's.

Cutting your carpet to shape or squaring off  £5.00

Cutting out full caravan motorhome carpets £20.00

Inner 90* corners £5.00

Rug's over 2mtrs square £10 (due to time taken )


Classic Car/Motor home/Caravan mats  we use your old mats as templates for a perfect fit.

** If you have decided to go for a more fitted look in your Caravan or Motorhome please bare in mind this WILL incur more cost's due to the amount of inner 90* corners (Sorry) as these take time to do depending on carpet thickness I have to hand stitch these in. My machines are dedicated carpet binding machines but even these have limits **  If you have followed your original carpet's this won't happen as there cut in a way for easy edging  remember the old saying ...Time is money and we all know big company's are good at that.

 Please email or call, as all work is done by appointment only. 

I do not have a walk in service.

Any questions, drop me an email or give me a call.

Turn around on work once in my hands is 5 days.

What we offer
All shapes and sizes can be edged from oblongs, half moons, circles, animal shapes, any shape you want or just a good old trusted basic mat. 

Caravan and Motorhome carpets.

New caravan and motorhome mats are expensive from suppliers here i can make them in your chosen carpet and in the colour you want.


Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
Call Us

Sometimes I can miss your call due to the machinery running, please leave a message and I will get back to you a.s.a.p.

If you are not into calling people you do not know, please use the message form I will get back to you within 24hrs.



Bespoke Carpet binding as no interest in a new website seo or apps and any emails related will be marked as phishing scam and reported. Thank you.


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